Required documents

The Department of Foreign Employment (DOFE) in Nepal and concerned embassy/consulates require certain documents to endorse visa and to award the permission for foreign employment from Nepal. As per the rules and regulation, such document must be duly prepared in the letter head of the employer, duly stamped and signed by the authorized person of the employer. Followings are the general requirements of documents.

SN Country Required Documents Attesting Authority
1 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Demand Letter, Power of Attorney, Employment Contract Paper, Recruitment Agreement, Guarantee Letter, Electronic Wakala, & Group Visa copy. Local Chamber of Commerce & Nepal Embassy / Consulate
2 Malaysia Demand Letter, Power of Attorney, Employment Contract Paper, Recruitment Agreement, Letter to Malaysian Embassy, Letter to Department of Labour - Nepal, Affidavit /Sworn Statement, Certified copy of KDN and Translated version of KDN. Local Chamber of Commerce & Nepal Embassy in Kuala Lumpur
3 Qatar/ Kuwait /UAE and Other countries Demand Letter, Power of Attorney, Employment Contract Paper, Recruitment Agreement, Guarantee Letter, Local Chamber of Commerce & Nepal embassy /consulate.

Short Description of Documents:

  1. Demand Letter: This is the principal legal document which should clearly state all the requirement details and recruitment terms and conditions such as require number of workers, their qualification/criteria, their salary, accommodation, transportation, contract period, working hours, food and other provisions.
  2. Recruitment Power of Attorney: This is the principal document that gives us authority to complete all the recruitment formalities at the embassies, airports, labour office or wherever deemed necessary in order to complete the recruitment.
  3. Employment Contract or Agreement Paper: This is the legal contract paper between the employer and the employee. The agreement paper should describe all the major terms and condition of the recruitment such position of workers, their salary, accommodation, transportation, contract period, working hours, food and other provisions as per the requirement of DOFE in Nepal and as per the labour laws of the country of employment.
  4. Recruitment Agreement Paper: This is the formal agreement signed by both the employer and recruiter for the formal procedure of recruitment. This document, however, is required in order to complete the formalities in Nepal which should include the general terms and conditions of the recruitment between the employer and the recruiter.
  5. Guarantee Letter: This is the commitment letter provided to the DOFE in Nepal with regards to the employment of Nepalese workers in the said countries and companies only.
  6. Affidavit/Sworn in Statement – This is the commitment letter from Employer accepting all the terms and condition stated in the demand letter and in agreement paper. Breach of the terms and condition of the letter will black list the employer for the future recruitment from Nepal as well as legal action against the employer in the country of employment.


  1. All of these documents shall be prepared in the letter head of the employer and should be signed by the authorized persons.
  2.  As the format of most documents varies as per the country of employment, it can be downloaded from the websites of the Nepalese Embassy located in the concerned country. Additionally we can also prepare the same and send to you on your request.